DEZNS BUS 2024-25 Creative Testing

DEZNS BUS 2024-25 Creative Testing

If you wish to give consent, please electronically sign this to indicate you agree with the below statments. 


  1. I have read and understood the Participant Privacy Notice about the research. The recruiter has explained what it involves and I have had an opportunity to discuss this with them. 
  2. I confirm that I have had the opportunity to ask questions and that these have been answered satisfactorily. 
  3. I give permission for this interview to be digitally recorded using Zoom  
  4. I understand that all personal identifiable information will be removed from the data and replaced with an anonymised code before being provided to the client. Data will only be used for analysis purposes and not linked to any individually named participants. 
  5. I understand that my participation is voluntary, and I can withdraw my consent at any time. The consent process has been clearly explained to me and I understand how to withdraw my consent. 
  6. I agree not to share information which is discussed as part of the research. 
  7. I understand that the group discussion will be observed by a member of the Department for Energy, Security and Net Zero team. 

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Date: January 24, 2025

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Document name: DEZNS BUS 2024-25 Creative Testing
lock iconUnique Document ID: cddb29972aa05619f0c3be7b3c107aa02fd8f126
Timestamp Audit
October 23, 2024 1:30 pm GMTDEZNS BUS 2024-25 Creative Testing Uploaded by Callum Spires - [email protected] IP