Nestle Consent Form

Title Of Research Study:

Perceptions of Nestle in York – Past, Present and Future”, December 2024


Please tick below

I confirm that I have read and understand the participant information sheet dated 3rd December 2024 explaining the above research project and I have had the opportunity to ask questions about the project.


I understand that my name / personal information will be anonymised before it is linked with any research materials. I understand that my responses will be kept strictly confidential.


I understand that the discussion will be held online using Microsoft Teams, and will be recorded (video, audio, and auto transcription) for research purposes only. Recordings will be deleted as soon as possible after the research project has been completed (and a maximum of 12 months after project completion).

I understand that my participation is voluntary and that I am free to withdraw at any time without giving any reason and without there being any negative consequences. I understand that all results/ findings provided through the focus group may be used, however, you may request that information you have provided is destroyed and not used up to 24 hours after the focus group/s have taken place.

Should I not wish to answer any particular question or questions, I am free to decline.

I give permission for members of the research team to have access to my anonymised responses.


I understand that other researchers may use my anonymised words (direct quotes) in publications, reports, web pages, and other research outputs, only if they agree to preserve the confidentiality of the information as consented in this form.

Name of participant


Signed Date

Name of lead researcher

Dr Simon Williams, Managing Director, Service Insights Ltd






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Signature Certificate
Document name: Nestle Consent Form
lock iconUnique Document ID: 3913eb21040e2ec93a1a02431f6de4895583dc26
Timestamp Audit
November 26, 2024 2:07 pm GMTNestle Consent Form Uploaded by Valeria Ordaz - [email protected] IP