“The Good Side”

The Good Side is an insight and strategy studio.


We help clients understand how to show up and respond to changes in culture.


We humanise audiences and tackle new business and social challenges.


Our team includes anthropologists, brand strategists, behavioural designers and film makers.


We work with leading and emerging organisations to solve for new markets, new spaces, new audiences and new problems - and make good things happen.


National Citizen Service (NCS)


Imagery, video and audio, recordings


Name, age, gender, location, email address, social media handle, payment details, imagery, video and audio footage



The Good Side has been commissioned by NCS (National Citizen Service) to understand the issues facing young people when it comes to feeling included in society and what is missing. Our aim is to understand from young people like yourself the challenges you are facing. want to understand the specific current and future challenges, barriers and opportunities facing young people.

As part of the research, We are producing a set of short mini-films for NCS. In each of our mini films we want to tell the story of one young person. Together, the films will show different experiences of young people across the UK, some of the things they struggle with, their perspectives around the issues, hopes and fears.

The final output will be a set of 1 to 2-minute short films presenting each participant and their thoughts around these issues.

The Client wishes to use the Footage internally to reinforce the findings from the research and for internal sharing within their company offices. This may involve the Footage being seen by members of our Client’s research and insights teams.

Using research findings/footage for conferences/with third parties

The Client  might also want to use this for conferences or when sharing the research findings with other third parties affiliated with NCS. You will need to be comfortable with this as footage will be shared in these spaces. We will always check the intended shared footage with you beforehand to make sure you are happy with what we are sharing and the story we are telling. Anything you don’t want to include can be removed if you so wish.

Privacy and data processing

The Good Side is committed to maintaining information protection practices and procedures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity and accessibility of the data we hold or collect. We are committed to meeting the requirements of the following laws and codes:

  • The EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • Data Protection Act 2018
  • Market Research Society’s (MRS) Code of Conduct
  • ICC/ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) International Code on Market and Social Research.

We will not mislead you about the nature of the research or how the data will be used. If you are invited to take part in research, and you do not wish to provide any personal information, you may opt out as your participation in the research is always voluntary. We never knowingly invite children under the age of 16 to participate in research studies without taking measures to ensure appropriate consent from a responsible adult.

All research is conducted under the Market Research Society Code of Conduct. The Good Side is committed to maintaining information protection practices and procedures to ensure the confidentiality and integrity and accessibility of the data we hold or collect.

  • Any information or imagery shared during the research is confidential and must not be shared outside the session
  • During the research, please do not provide anything personally identifiable (i.e. full name and employer etc)
  • All research is conducted under the Market Research Society Code of Conduct

If you have any questions regarding the Client, your Personal Data, or if you wish to withdraw from the research you can contact us at any point by contacting [email protected].

  • The Good Side will securely store Footage, and Data on servers located within the EEA and only transferred via secure, encrypted means eg SFTP or encrypted USB.
  • Footage will not be passed on to any other third parties, countries other than those listed or into the public domain without additional consent.

The Good Side will be in secure possession of the following categories for the following retention periods after project close, after which time it will be securely deleted:

  • Data for up to 2 years - Data will only be used for the purpose of . This will include your first name, email address, and screener answers.
  • Footage for up to 1 year;
  • Incentive confirmation for up to 7 years – used for account auditing purposes only

The Good Side’s full Privacy Policy can be found here

The Research

This is what it will mean for you:

The Good Side

  • The Good Side will be in secure possession of the following categories for the following retention periods after project close, after which time it will be securely deleted:
    • Data for up to one year - Data will only be used for the purpose of analysis and reporting
    • Footage for up to 1 year
    • Incentive confirmation for up to 7 years – used for account auditing purposes only
  • The Good Side will securely store Footage, and Data on servers located within the EEA and only transferred via secure, encrypted means eg SFTP or encrypted USB.
  • Footage will not be passed on to any other third parties, countries other than those listed or into the public domain without additional consent.
  • You can contact The Good Side at any point regarding the data The Good Side and Client hold and to request that data is deleted earlier than stated by emailing [email protected]
  • Using the tick box below, I may give my permission to be re-contacted for this project, should the Client request to change the use of the data, or wish to share with countries other than those listed above, other any other third parties or into the public domain
  • The Good Side’s Privacy Policy can be found here


  • Client will be in secure possession of the following categories for the following retention periods after project close; after which time it will be securely deleted.
    • Data will only be used for the purpose of co-ordinating the Follow up interviews.
    • Footage for up to 1 year;
  • Client will use the Footage internally for market research purposes, and not transfer into the public domain.
  • Client can use the footage for conference/third parties reports.
  • Footage will only be shown in a business context.
  • You will not be contacted by any other third parties for any other reason. 
  • Client will implement appropriate technical and organisational measures against the accidental, unauthorised or unlawful access, processing, damage or disclosure of the Footage.


If you complete the online tasks on the platform you will be paid an incentive of £75 for taking part with the research and filming


Dignified Storytelling

We adhere to a dignified storytelling policy in collaboration with the Dignified Storytelling Alliance. We value Your consent and aim to ensure Your comfort throughout the process. Whenever possible, We will provide You with access to materials featuring Your involvement or the entire film before its public distribution and screening. This allows for Your feedback within a specified timeframe. If there are elements you are uncomfortable with, we encourage open communication. We understand that reviewing material in advance fosters a sense of ease with exposure. We genuinely consider any reasonable objections and, in rare cases where consent withdrawal is requested and granted, We will clearly explain the circumstances that led to this decision.


By signing this consent form, You give Your permission to be recorded  for the purpose of creating the content. Your contribution, including any input or materials provided by You related to the content or its products, falls under the term "Contribution" as mentioned in this form. This consent applies to all shared perspectives and recordings.

You give Us, along with any affiliated company and the publisher of the Content, permission to use Your name, voice, appearance, photographs, and any relevant biographical information to promote the Content and its related products or services. This permission extends globally and across different media platforms, both now and in the future.

We can also use the recordings and Your Contribution and details for the purpose of producing, promoting, exploiting, and transmitting the Content, as well as administering this agreement.

Grant Of Right

By signing this consent form, You are giving Us permission to use Your contribution in various ways. This includes all rights to the Contribution, such as copyright and performers' rights, as well as any future rights and extensions. We can use Your Contribution in connection with Our content and related rights and products, worldwide and indefinitely, through any media now known or developed in the future. Please note that We are not obligated to include your Contribution in Our content (“Content”) or exploit it in any way. This form simply grants Us permission to use Your recordings if We choose to do so.

You acknowledge that We have the authority to edit, copy, or translate Your Contribution as we deem appropriate. You waive any rights referred to as "moral rights" or similar laws in any jurisdiction, and You agree not to make any claims related to those rights. You understand that We have no obligations to You or any representatives on your behalf other than as specifically set out herein.

Agreement -  


- I have read The Good Side’s Privacy Policy


- I consent to be recontacted regarding change of processing within this project


-  Yes, I consent to footage being collected during the interview, based on the above


- Yes, I consent to the footage being shared in the wider film being created and grant my rights for my contribution


-  Yes, I consent to my personal details being stored on a secure database, and being recontacted for future projects that may be relevant to me


Declaration re. data processing:

I confirm I have read, understood and agreed to the Privacy notice above.


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Timestamp Audit
February 3, 2025 9:16 am GMTPARTICIPANT CONSENT FORM Uploaded by Valeria Ordaz - [email protected] IP
February 3, 2025 9:23 am GMTVal O - [email protected] added by Valeria Ordaz - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
February 7, 2025 9:57 am GMTVal O - [email protected] added by Valeria Ordaz - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
February 10, 2025 2:07 pm GMTVal O - [email protected] added by Valeria Ordaz - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
February 10, 2025 2:08 pm GMTVal O - [email protected] added by Valeria Ordaz - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
February 10, 2025 2:09 pm GMTVal O - [email protected] added by Valeria Ordaz - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip:
February 10, 2025 2:12 pm GMTVal O - [email protected] added by Valeria Ordaz - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: