Market research isn’t all talk! Take part in an Assisted Shopping project and you’ll be paid for letting us join you on a shopping trip.
We’ve found that going shopping with our members is an excellent way to help companies understand how you choose the products you buy.
Group discussions and face-to-face interviews give you the opportunity to tell us what you think. But when you’re at the shops, your actions speak louder than words!
Companies across the UK are interested not only in your opinions in general, but also in the decisions you make when you’re shopping. Sometimes, those decisions are super-fast and are almost instinctive, because they’re based on your values and habits. You may not even realise you’ve made a decision unless it’s pointed out to you!
On an assisted shopping trip, one of our friendly research facilitators will accompany you while you browse a store. The facilitator will observe your shopping activities without interfering, and may ask you some questions while you shop. Your privacy and anonymity is assured at all times.
An assisted shop typically takes between 30 minutes and 2 hours. The shopping locations are chosen for optimum convenience, and members generally receive an incentive of £40 to £250 for taking part in this kind of research.
If you’re aged 16 or over and a UK resident, we’d love to have you take part in research too! Sign up now to be contacted next time there’s a suitable project in your area.