Update Your

Providing us with your most up to date information will helps us in inviting you to you to relevant research events.

Your Details...

Please amend any details that may have changed since last registering for research (current members only)
What are the age(s) of your children? (please tick all that apply)

Your Occupation...

Which department(s) do you work within;

Your Contact Details

This will be used as the location in which the research may take place (e.g group discussions), alternatively please select local research only and we will contact you for anything within your local area and telephone interviews.
Do you own/use a car?

Your Vehicle...


This information will be held confidentially and securely by Take Part in Research Ltd in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Market Research Society Code of Conduct.

I understand that my information will only be used to provide me with the opportunity to participate in occasional paid research. I am aware that I am under no obligation to participate and I am entitled to have my data removed at any point.

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