EU Research Programme

Thanks for your willingness to take part in this research.

Kantar has partnered with Roots Research and Take Part in Research to organise the groups and manage the booking process with participants.

To register your interest in participating, please submit the short form below and someone from the team at Take Part in Research will be in touch by phone over the next few days with more information.

Online groups and interviews

EU Research Programme

Please fill out the
following form

Your Contact Details
Kantar - Client List - Researchers Research - June 2022

Your Contact Details

Please select times that you'll be available for someone on the Take Part in Research team to contact you to book your session *
The following are tentative days and times for the focus groups, depending on availability. Please can you indicate all you could attend: *
If you can’t make these dates could you (again please indicate all that apply): *

BOOKING IN SECTION - Please make sure all fields are completed!

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