Future Driving Solutions!

Ford Mobility, Loughborough University, Oxfordshire County Council and Vivacity Labs need your help to make the roads of London and Oxford a safer place for drivers and pedestrians!

Ford Mobility, Oxfordshire County Council, Loughborough University and Vivacity will be looking at problem areas in the roads by looking at collective patterns of 700 drivers across the city. The study will focus on which road areas can be improved to make life easier for drivers and hopefully for others.

Alongside this, Ford Mobility are also working with City of London on an exciting new food logistics project, pioneering the creation of the country’s largest wholesale retail food site! We’re looking for London Market Traders and people who currently visit the City of London Billingsgate, New Spitalfields and Smithfield wholesale food markets to help City of London in this study so they can look at what the traffic implications of the new site will be and how they can be improved!

To take part, all you need to do is attach a small, passive device to your vehicle and leave it for 8 months. In return, you’ll get paid £150! The data will be part of a city-wide collective study and individual driving behaviour is not the focus of the analysis.


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