Paid Research on Behalf of a Major Gluten-Free Food Supplier

A major supplier of gluten/wheat-free foods has asked us to contact you directly as they are conducting some exciting research in order to improve the quality and range of product they have available!

You will have the chance to give your honest feedback about the current foods that you purchase and also share your ideas for what you would like to see available and/or improved moving forward!

The Research is in the form of a 1 hour 45 minute group discussion in the Stockport/Cheadle area and you will receive £40 in cash at the end of the session as a thank you! Refreshments/snacks will also be available and it should be an interesting and informal evening!

Date: Thursday 14th August
Location: Stockport/Cheadle
Duration:1 hour 45 minutes
Times: 6.15pm or 8.15pm
Incentive: £40 Cash
Type of research:Group Discussion

When completing the form please answer carefully and as honestly as possible, there are no right or wrong answers, all answers will be looked at individually when checking that you are applicable for the research. If you do fit the profile of respondent that we are looking for, then one of our team will call you to book you in.

Please fill out the
following form

When completing the form please answer carefully and as honestly as possible, there are no right or wrong answers, all answers will be looked at individually when checking that you are applicable for the research.

If you are a good fit for the research, a member of the team will be in touch over the coming days with some more information!

Your Details...

Your Food...

Have you ever purchased any of the following types of food? - Please tick all that apply
Have you ever purchased any of the following brands? - Please tick all that apply

Your Brands...


Which of the following areas of research are you happy being contacted about?

This information will be held confidentially and securely by Take Part in Research Ltd in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Market Research Society Code of Conduct.

I understand that my information will only be used to provide me with the opportunity to participate in occasional paid research. I am aware that I am under no obligation to participate and I am entitled to have my data removed at any point.

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