Heating Research In Great Britain For Home Owners

Do you own a home in mainland UK? We need you!

We're looking for homeowners with smart meters and electric heating across the United Kingdom, who are interested in alternative and sustainable ways to heat their homes.

All homes taking part in this study shall consent to monitoring of their heating system data (via their smart meter and provided temperature sensors), and some will be offered a new low carbon heating system, which will be supplied and installed completely for free.

This recruitment is part of a Homes for Net Zero research project being carried out by the Energy Systems Catapult. It aims to improve evidence base around options for homeowners to transition to Net Zero homes. It will test interventions associated with alternative heating systems, and gather high quality evidence on overheating and indoor air quality.

To participate in this project, you’ll need to sign up for the Living Lab; A network of volunteers from all around the UK, who help us understand how energy is used in real homes. This will involve registering on the Living Lab website and answering 20 questions about you and your home.

Once registered, you'll either be selected to join the monitoring study, or if your home is suitable, you may be offered a new energy efficient, low carbon heating system for free. All homes will receive a free in-home temperature and humidity sensor kit, and a £30 Giftpay voucher. You will also be eligible to win one of 10 £50 Giftpay vouchers every month until June 2025 once you have completed your profile and while you have all trial devices connected.

We are looking to hear from all different perspectives so if you're interested, apply now!

When completing the form please answer carefully and as honestly as possible, there are no right or wrong answers, all answers will be looked at individually when checking that you are applicable for the research.

If it looks like you'll be a fit for the research based on your application, a member of the team will be in touch to go through a couple of questions and see if we can get you booked in to take part.

Please fill out the
following form

When completing the form please answer carefully and as honestly as possible, there are no right or wrong answers, all answers will be looked at individually when checking that you are applicable for the research.

If you are a good fit for the research, a member of the team will be in touch over the coming days with some more information!

Your Current Life Stage...
Your Location
Your homes installation
Heating System Information
Consent For The Research Study
How did you hear about this research?
Energy Systems Catapult - Net Zero Project - September - March 2024/25- NON REG

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