Call Comments
Forensic Fieldwork Roots Research
Appointment Time - NEW TIMES
Friday 26th June - 8.30am Friday 26th June - 9.30am Friday 26th June - 10.30am Friday 26th June - 11.30am Friday 26th June - 12.30pm Friday 26th June - 1.30pm Friday 26th June - 2.30pm Friday 26th June - 3.30pm Friday 26th June - 5.00pm Friday 26th June - 6.30pm Friday 26th June - 7.30pm Saturday 27th June - 8.30am Saturday 27th June - 10.00am Saturday 27th June - 11.30am Saturday 27th June - 1.00pm Saturday 27th June - 2.30pm Saturday 27th June - 4.00pm
Incentive Offered
£80 £100
Booked as:
Individual Couple - Insert Partner Name
Booked as:
General Information
Please make any amendments necessary to the details shown below.
First Name
Mobile Contact Number
Alternative Contact Telephone Number
Male Female Other
Have you ever taken part in market research before?
Yes, in the last 6 months Yes, longer than 6 months ago No, never
What were the topics?
Which of the following age brackets do you fall into?
19 years old or under 20 - 29 years old 30 - 39 years old 40 - 49 years old 50 - 59 years old 60 - 69 years old 70 - 75 years old 76 years old or over
What is your exact age?
Car Brand
Car Model
How many doors does your car have?
3 doors 5 doors
In which year did you buy your car?
2015 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 or earlier
In which month did you buy your car?
January February March April May June July August September October November December
Reg. No.
Did you buy your car new or used?
1 New 2 Ex-demonstration / Dealer Assured Used Car 3 Used Car
At the time you purchased/leased your car, which of the following best describes your role in the decision process?
1 I was the primary decision Maker 2 The Decision was mainly mine but someone else provided input 3 I shared the decision equally with someone else 4 Someone else mostly made the decision, but I provided some input
How often do you drive your car?
Almost every day 4 - 5 times a week 2 - 3 times a week Once a week Less than once a week
Do you run any online forums or communities related to automobiles?
Yes No
What is your occupation?
1 Professional 2 Owner/Executive 3 Self-Employed 4 White Collar Employee 5 Blue Collar Employee 6 Homemaker 7 Student 8 Retired 9 Unemployed 10 Refuse to Answer
What city do you currently live in?
Do you live in...
1 In your own household 2 Not in your own household (e.g. sharing with relatives, parents, friends, etc.)
What is your current marital status?
1 Single 2 Divorced / Separated / Widowed 3 Married 4 Living with partner
Which of the following best describes your final level of full time education or training?
1 Secondary school no qualifications 2 Secondary school with qualifications 3 Higher education (not university) 4 University - 1st Degree 5 University - Higher Degree
What is the total income of your household, including pensions and other benefits, before tax and other deductions?
1 Up to £10,000 2 £10,000 - £19,999 3 £20,000 - £29,999 4 £30,000 - £39,999 5 £40,000 - £49,999 6 £50,000 - £59,999 7 £60,000 - £79,999 8 £80,000 - £99,999 9 £100,000 - £124,999 10 £125,000 and more