Live TV Audience Consent Form

Comres - BBC Young Person's TV Debate Consent form
The Market Research company ComRes, and the BBC will be given your information in order to prepare for the debate. You will be provided with an incentive as a thank you for your time and to help with travel costs. Are you happy for your information to be shared with the BBC and ComRes teams, and if necessary the police?
Are you happy to take part in the debate?
Due to the need to have a balanced audience on the day, there is a small chance that you may not be selected as part of the final audience to take part in the debate. Please note, you will still receive your full incentive and will be offered the opportunity to watch the debate live in a green room. Can you please confirm if you are happy to proceed on this basis?
As part of checks on the day, you will be required to bring with you photographic ID (a driver’s license or passport), a copy of the confirmation email from our recruitment team, and undergo an airport-style security search. Are you happy to consent to this and bring this information with you on the day?
The debate will be shown on television on the BBC, are you happy to sign a consent form to say that you are happy to be filmed as part of the audience? This will involve signing a consent form in advance of the debate.
Finally, please note, you have the right to withdraw your consent or participation at any time before the debate. However, should you do so for any reason, you will not be eligible for your incentive. Should you wish to withdraw, please do contact the team and we can provide you with a form to confirm your withdrawal.
(this will act as your signature)

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