Manchester Car Clinic

Car Clinic - SUV Crossover Car Clinic

Location: Event City, Manchester

Dates: 5th, 6th and 7th September

Duration: Quant Only = 2.5 hours. Quant and Qual = up to 5 hours

Incentive: Quant Only = £100. Quant and Qual = £175

Please fill out the
following form

When completing the form please answer carefully and as honestly as possible, there are no right or wrong answers, all answers will be looked at individually when checking that you are applicable for the research.

If you are a good fit for the research, a member of the team will be in touch over the coming days with some more information!

General Information

Please make any amendments necessary to the details shown below.
Have you been involved in any market research involving cars in the last 6 months?

Specific Criteria

Do you own a car?

Qualifying Car Details

Is this the 'Main Car' or 'Second Car' in the household?
Are you the principle driver of this vehicle? (i.e. the person that drives it the most or at least 50% of the time)
Was car no.1 bought and paid for privately, or is it a company car, that is, bought or leased by an employer or business?

Attitudinal Questions

1=design and appearance was the most important factor, 10 = practicality

When buying a new car, how important are each of these factors to you?

Q14. I am now going to read you a series of statements which other people have made, and which you may or may not agree with. For each of the statements please can you tell me whether you tend to agree or disagree with it

Cars have always been somewhat of a passion for me
There’s not much fun in driving these days, for me a car is more a means of getting from a to b
I like to keep myself informed about developments in the car industry
I like to drive a car that sets me apart from others
I prefer to wait until something’s been thoroughly tried and tested even if it means being a bit behind the trend
Friends will tell you that I'm often the first person to try new products
I enjoy having a car which feels sporty and fun to drive

How likely would you be to consider the following types of vehicle, either to replace your current car or in addition?

Q16. Are you likely to be the decision maker (at least jointly) for choosing your next vehicle?


This information will be held confidentially and securely by Take Part in Research Ltd in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Market Research Society Code of Conduct.

Respondent Preferred Date to attend Research
Respondent Preferred Time to attend Research
Prefer Quant or Quant and Qual?

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