Meritor Research Sign-up Questionnaire

Many thanks for your interest in Meritor’s research project. Meritor is looking to gain insight from a customer’s perspective, in order to understand how they could improve and make it easier for you to do business with them. They have commissioned Take Part in Research, a UK-based independent research agency, to conduct some research into this topic. We’d like to invite you to take part, so please provide your details below to allow us to contact you and book you in at a time that suits.

Your details will be stored securely at all times. Contact details will only be used for the purpose of booking you in for the research project and conducting the interview. Your responses during the interview will also be kept confidential within the project team at Take Part in Research/ Roots Research and no identifying details of what you have said will be passed back to Meritor without your express permission.

The research will consist of a 1- hour telephone interview at a time that suits you over the next month or so.

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