MM-eye – Ford S MAX Rejectors

Is this job in a professional/managerial role, or some other role?
Do you or any of your family or close friends work in the following industries?
When was this vehicle first registered?
Are you the main or joint main driver of this vehicle, in terms of time spent driving the vehicle?
Is this vehicle privately owned, or is it a company vehicle?
What Ford S MAX was this?
Which of the following actions did you undertake when considering a Ford S MAX? MUST CODE ONE OF THE BOTTOM 5 TO SCREEN IN
Thinking about your next vehicle purchase, which of the following brands would you DEFINITELY consider? Record all mentions.
Record gender
What is your marital status?
Do you have children aged under 18 living in your household?

To what degree does each of these statements fit you and your beliefs where 1="Does Not Fit Me At All" and 5="Completely Fits Me"


We are inviting a few people to take part in this research. This is purely and simply a market research exercise, to help us understand more about your vehicle requirements. No one will attempt to sell you anything either during the interview or afterwards. We would very much appreciate your opinions. The research will take the form of a 1.5hr in-depth interview at either your home or your place of work. The purpose of this will be to see and understand how you use your vehicle on a daily basis; therefore you must have your Ford S MAX with you during the interview. The interview will be conducted by a researcher from MM-Eye and they may be accompanied by another person from the team. We will be giving everyone who takes part a thank you of £XXX.


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