- 28/10/24 - 30/10/24
- Hull
- 90 minutes
- £40 voucher
Thank you for registering your interest in this new research on Pumps and Pump Systems.
This valuable new research research will be looking at current communication and information channels within the pumps and pump system arena.
The research is in the form of a 2 hour Group Discussion in Central London on Tuesday 18th February . As a thank you for your time we would be happy to give you an incentive of £100.
Date – Tuesday 18th February
Time - 8pm
Duration – 2 hours
Incentive - £100
Location - Central London
Type of research – Group Discussion
When completing the form please answer carefully and as honestly as possible, there are no right or wrong answers, all answers will be looked at individually when checking that you are applicable for the research. If you do fit the profile of the person that we are looking for, then one of our team will call you to book you in.
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