Toyota Yaris Research Event

Toyota value the opinion of their customers so they are running a customer feedback event with owners of a Toyota Yaris!

Attendees of the events will be asked to share their thoughts and opinions on your vehicle, and Toyota as a brand, to help in the development of future vehicles and features first hand.

The research is being held in the London area on Friday 14th, Saturday 15th or Sunday 16th November and will last approximately 1 - 3 hours. All those that attend will receive a cash incentive of between £70 - £120 in order to say thank you and cover travel expenses.

Location: London Area

Dates: Friday 14th, Saturday 15th or Sunday 16th November

Duration: 1- 3 hours

Please tell us a little more about your vehicle by completing the below questions, someone will then give you a call to hopefully book you into a specific time to attend the research and give you some more information.

We are bound by the Market Research Society ethical guidelines and will treat any information you disclose as strictly confidential.

We assure you that the data will not be used for any purpose other than the research itself. You will not receive any follow-up marketing calls and your details will not be passed on to third parties.

Please fill out the
following form

When completing the form please answer carefully and as honestly as possible, there are no right or wrong answers, all answers will be looked at individually when checking that you are applicable for the research.

If you are a good fit for the research, a member of the team will be in touch over the coming days with some more information!

General Information

Please make any amendments necessary to the details shown below.
What are the age(s) of your children? (please tick all that apply)
Are all your children over the age of 18?
Do you own a Toyota Yaris?
Which of the following best applies to where you live?

Your Yaris...

Are you the principle driver of this vehicle?
Is your Yaris privately owned or provately leased or a Company Car?

Your Next Vehicle...

Please select which body type you are likely to consider? (Tick all that apply)

For each of the following statements, how much do you agree or disagree, using the scale where 1 = does not apply and 4 = applies perfectly?

1 = Does not apply at all, 2 = Does not really apply, 3 = Applies Somewhat , 4 = Applies Perfectly
1 = Does not apply at all, 2 = Does not really apply, 3 = Applies Somewhat , 4 = Applies Perfectly
1 = Does not apply at all, 2 = Does not really apply, 3 = Applies Somewhat , 4 = Applies Perfectly
1 = Does not apply at all, 2 = Does not really apply, 3 = Applies Somewhat , 4 = Applies Perfectly
1 = Does not apply at all, 2 = Does not really apply, 3 = Applies Somewhat , 4 = Applies Perfectly


This information will be held confidentially and securely by Take Part in Research Ltd in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1998 and Market Research Society Code of Conduct.

I understand that my information will only be used to provide me with the opportunity to participate in occasional paid research. I am aware that I am under no obligation to participate and I am entitled to have my data removed at any point.

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