Face-to-face research

Health Measurement Research in Scotland!

Scotland (Multiple Locations) £50

Face-to-face research

Health Measurement Research in Scotland!

  • Face-to-face research
  • 10/06/24 - 31/03/25
  • Scotland (Multiple Locations)
  • 30 minutes
  • £50

Do you live in Scotland? We need you!

We’re looking for people to attend a practice health research appointment with Our Future Health, taking place in Boots stores across Scotland.

Our Future Health aims to be the UK’s largest ever health research programme. It is designed to help people live healthier lives for longer through the discovery and testing of more effective approaches to prevention, earlier detection, and treatment of diseases.

As part of this programme, they are looking for people to attend a 30-minute practice health research appointment at a participating Boots store to test their procedures with a member of staff who is newly trained in how to take a blood sample. As a thank you for your time and input, you’ll receive £50 for taking part.

Please note – in this appointment you will be asked to have a small blood sample taken by a member of staff who is newly trained in how to take a blood sample.

Participation in the practice appointment does not mean that you have joined Our Future Health.

We are looking to hear from all different perspectives so if you’re interested, apply now!

When completing the form please answer carefully and as honestly as possible, there are no right or wrong answers, all answers will be looked at individually when checking that you are applicable for the research.

If it looks like you’ll be a fit for the research based on your application, a member of the team will be in touch to go through a couple of questions and see if we can get you booked in to take part.

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